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Help us welcome Dr. Bloodgood!

I am very proud to introduce Dr. Courtney Bloodgood, our new optometrist at Whitesell Optometry.

Dr. Bloodgood, who also happens to be my daughter, joined us June 2014. She completed her B.S. in Biology from the University of Central Missouri, and graduated with her doctorate from Northeastern State University Oklahoma College of Optometry in May 2014. She was the top graduate at NSUOCO and received the Most Outstanding Clinician in the graduating class award, as well as the Award for Excellence in Pediatric Optometry.

Dr. Bloodgood has had extensive training in the diagnosis and treatment of eye conditions, such as dry eye, ocular allergies, red eyes, contact lens complications, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other eye diseases. Her main special interest is working with children. She also completed an externship that specialized in pediatrics and vision therapy.

This new addition to the practice will be more convenient for you and your schedule. We will now be seeing patients five days a week instead of four. All of you are used to seeing me, and I look forward to continuing to see you. However, I would also be excited if you scheduled an appointment with Dr. Bloodgood. We want you to feel comfortable with all of our doctors and staff.

Some of you may already know or recognize Dr. Bloodgood. For the last 10 years she has filled various roles in my office. She could be found working at the front desk, edging lenses, or working as an optometric technician.

Dr. Bloodgood married her high school sweetheart, Cory Bloodgood, and they currently live in Overland Park. They hope to start a family soon, but for now, their dog has assumed the role of their child. She enjoys reading, playing sports, and is a big Kansas City Chiefs fan.

I hope all of you will help me welcome Dr. Bloodgood to the practice. She can not wait to see all of you.

Bill Whitesell, OD